2024 release notes
V2.104.0 (30/Dec/24)
FIXED Reoccurring work orders were not sending notifications when those work orders were expired due to not being completed before the next work order was created, or when a work order was automatically created. Users will now receive a created or expired notification when this occurs for any reoccurring work orders that are not a part of a route.
FIXED For any completed workflow report with a value with an alternate name for a multiple choice field, that value was not displaying and is now showing correctly.
FIXED When editing an Esri subscription, subsequent Esri syncs were failing if the asset class was changed. These syncs will now work normally and update assets to the newly-selected asset class.
Field Worker Application
NEW Compare and confirm has now been implemented for workflows in the Field Worker Application.
IMPROVED The My Offline Data page has been updated to improve users' ability to search for and select their work queues.
FIXED Header fields from a workflow or asset class were not showing correctly on the Workflow Report Editor and will now show as a header appropriately.
FIXED For any completed workflow report with a value with an alternate name for a multiple choice field, that value was not displaying and is now showing correctly.
V2.103.0 (16/Dec/24)
IMPROVED For customers using ArcGIS on-premises instead of ArcGIS Online, when query functionality in ArcGIS users received a generic error message when attempting to configure an Esri subscription. Those users will now receive a more instructive error to help them address the issue.
FIXED When editing an asset in the Excel add-in, users were repeatedly being prompted to select an asset class even if one has already been selected. This prompt will now only appear if an asset class has not yet been set for a given row.
FIXED Certain emails sent from the User Details page were sending an error if the recipient was set to use a language other than English (US). Users will no longer see those errors.
FIXED In certain scenarios, users' asset tags were being flagged as invalid despite being valid when adding to an asset. These tags now show as valid.
Field Worker Application
FIXED Photo and signature fields were sometimes not showing the full image on the Workflow Report Editor. These will now show the full image appropriately.
V2.102.0 (02/Dec/24)
FIXED Certain emails sent from the User Details page were sending an error if the recipient was set to use a language other than English (US). Users will no longer see those errors.
V2.101.0 (18/Nov/24)
FIXED In certain scenarios where a multiple choice field was set to default if only one option were available from its list definition, that field’s value was not loading correctly in the Workflow Report Editor. These fields were still saving normally, and will now load normally once complete.
Field Worker App
FIXED In certain scenarios, number fields' step was not being evaluated correctly and validating a value as invalid when it matched a field’s step. Step for number fields in the Field Worker App are now consistent with the rest of Utility Cloud.
V2.100.0 (04/Nov/24)
IMPROVED Utility Cloud emails were incorrectly being flagged by some IT systems so that users were not receiving emails consistently. Improvements have been made to help ensure users receive emails normally.
FIXED In certain scenarios, the compliance charts on the Route Dashboard and Route Details were showing incorrect dates, sometimes including dates into the future. These dates now correctly match the work history of a route.
FIXED In some scenarios, daily Esri subscriptions were syncing every other day instead of daily. These subscriptions will now sync daily normally.
FIXED The support phone number on the Landing Page and in Utility Cloud email footers incorrectly showed the previous support line. This phone number has been updated.
Field Worker App
IMPROVED For any work item that failed submission, that work item will show an error on its card in the My Work Pending tab.
IMPROVED For any work item that fails submission when submitting from the My Work page, users will see an error notification on the My Work page at the time of submission failure.
FIXED While offline, work items were not loading their unsubmitted workflow report properly once back online. These workflow reports are now loading normally.
V2.99.0 (21/Oct/24)
FIXED The Photos tab was not showing properly on the Asset Details page for any asset with photos added as attachments. This tab will now show normally for those assets.
FIXED When printing PDFs from the Letters page, longer PDFs were failing to generate before timing out. These PDFs will no longer time out before generating a print preview.
FIXED When logging in with an unverified user, the list of administrators presented contained users outside the current user’s billing account. This list now only contains users from the current user’s billing account.
Field Worker App
NEW When submitting any work items from the My Work page, if there is any error during submission that error will be captured to review on that work item on the Workflow Report Editor page.
IMPROVED General updates have been made to improve consistency in design and style across the FWA.
FIXED When syncing work queues, users received an error when a work item was found in multiple work queues. This error will no longer appear.
FIXED Number fields were incorrectly showing error validation for an empty field, even if that field is not required. Number fields will no longer show an error for empty fields.
FIXED When saving any work item, any required fields hidden with visibility conditionals were validating as required when hidden when they should not be required. These fields no longer prevent saving when hidden.
V2.98.0 (07/Oct/24)
FIXED Some emails sent from Utility Cloud were not showing correctly in the Email Log tile and now are showing normally.
Field Worker App
FIXED Due dates on work orders were showing in UTC instead of in a user’s time zone based on their settings. These now show with the correct time zone.
V2.97.0 (23/Sep/24)
FIXED Certain special characters such as asterisks were causing search results from the Asset Search to not export correctly. Asset Search results and exports where these characters are present are now showing and exporting consistently.
FIXED User’s security rights were not always adjusting correctly when one or more of their security roles were modified. These users will now see their rights updated normally to match their security roles.
FIXED When creating a work order, priority and time were not always showing with the correct default or in the correct order. These now show in the expected order.
Field Worker App
IMPROVED The My Work page more clearly indicates if a user has not synced and has no work downloaded compared to their search not containing nay valid results.
FIXED In some cases, required fields that were hidden through visibility conditionals were preventing saving a workflow report. Required fields now only prevent saving if they are visible.
V2.96.0 (09/Sep/24)
IMPROVED When adding an Esri subscription from the Account Details page, Feature Servers now show in alphabetical order.
FIXED In certain scenarios, multiple choice fields in workflows were not showing as required when they were. These fields will now clearly show that they are required if no value is entered.
FIXED For some users, user’s date and time localization settings (such as time zone and date format) were not showing correctly on the Workflow Report Editor. These settings now show correctly for all users.
Field Worker App
FIXED From the Workflow Report Editor, dynamic minimums and maximums for number fields set by other fields were not being set correctly. These are now evaluating and validating normally.
V2.95.0 (26/Aug/24)
FIXED Fixed an issue where editing an asset belonging to a route was sometimes adding additional work orders for that asset to the route.
IMPROVED Added improved error logging to prevent workflows from saving incomplete photo data.
Field Worker App
FIXED Addressed a sporadic issue preventing users from logging in.
FIXED Addressed an issue where date field validation was not always working correctly with default date values.
V2.94.0 (12/Aug/24)
IMPROVED Made general performance improvements on longer-running tasks.
Field Worker App
NEW The FWA header now indicates if a user is online or offline and allows users to manually switch to offline functionality.
IMPROVED Made improvements to support the FWA on single-tenant environments.
FIXED Implemented fixes for various expressions to match core application functionality, including expressions involving triggers, concatenation, and field defaults.
FIXED Fixed an issue where signature fields were not clearing. These fields will now clear appropriately.
V2.93.0 (29/Jul/24)
FIXED In certain scenarios, users were able to create a route maintaining future occurrences that would not reoccur. Validation is now in place to prevent routes from being created with these settings.
Field Worker App
NEW Implemented additional sorting options for My Work, including by asset description, asset ID, workflow, work order description, work order ID, and due date.
FIXED Certain default values were not populating properly for workflow fields, including populate from previous and multiple choice or multiple select fields. These fields are now populating properly.
FIXED Work order due date was not downloading offline and only displaying properly while offline. These dates now display normally.
FIXED Work order details were showing for scheduled workflows when there were no valid details to display. This panel will no longer show for scheduled workflows.
FIXED Asset fields were not always displaying associated assets correctly and now should be loading normally.
FIXED Validation for multiple choice and multiple select fields was not properly showing for list items that are no longer active for a field. Validation is now showing normally.
V2.92.0 (15/Jul/24)
NEW The beta version of our new Field Worker Application is released. This will only be available for a limited number of users, but expect more news in the coming weeks.
FIXED In the Excel add-in, searching in the Workflow Repots tab was not working correctly while searching by assets. This is now working normally.
V2.91.0 (01/Jul/24)
FIXED Workflow triggers set to update an asset field to a custom value were not properly updating that value. These triggers will now update appropriately.
IMPROVED Additional changes to improve accessibility have been made across the application and like the previous release improve the use of screen readers and readability of text and icons.
V2.90.0 (17/Jun/24)
FIXED Users were unable to download completed jobs or their logs from the Jobs page. These options are now both working normally.
V2.89.0 (03/Jun/24)
IMPROVED Additional changes to improve accessibility have been made across the application and like the previous release improve the use of screen readers and improve readability of text and icons.
FIXED Multiple choice fields with a default value were not always showing that default correctly on the Workflow Report Editor. Default values now show normally based on workflow field configuration.
FIXED Work queues were not always loading correctly on the Letters page. They now show normally.
V2.88.0 (20/May/24)
IMPROVED Various minor styling changes have been made across the application for improved accessibility. Most of these changes are not visible but will provide a better experience for users who use a screen reader. In other scenarios, text and icon colors have been adjusted to improve readability.
FIXED In certain scenarios, saving an asset that was already a part of a route was adding an additional work order for that asset to the routes it belonged to. Saving existing assets will now only add that asset to a route if it had not previously belonged to that route.
FIXED On the BI Reports page, reports were showing for all users with access to the page rather than based on their business lines or security roles. Reports now show and hide appropriately based on user configuration.
V2.87.0 (06/May/24)
IMPROVED Made general improvements to Utility Cloud to improve page zoom throughout the application.
FIXED In February, Google made a breaking change to Google Sheets that interfered with our normal Google reporting process, require us to make changes that slow down the reporting process (for more details, you can read our announcement here). Google recently released a fix that allows us to revert our previous change, and Google reports will now behave as they did prior to Google’s initial change.
FIXED When configuring a Google report setting in the Workflow Class Builder page, Utility Cloud would only return the first 500 Google Sheets within a Drive account. Utility cloud will now display up to 1000 Sheets when setting up a Google report setting.
FIXED In the Workflow Report Editor page, the signature field type was not allowing a user to add a signature if it had been previously hidden on that workflow with a visibility conditional. Signature fields will now behave normally if previously hidden.
V2.86.0 (22/Apr/24)
IMPROVED Made improvements to Esri sync to continue syncing in the event of unexpected failures.
IMPROVED Made multiple improvements to the Excel add-in, largely around the Assets Group.
On retrieving or adding assets, results are automatically formatted as a table.
Header cells are no longer locked for the add-in, allowing filtering and sorting via Excel’s native functionality.
Users are now able to change the asset class of an asset when editing assets via the Excel add-in.
Headers in the Asset Group will remain visible when scrolling so that it is easier to tell which field headers belong to individual cells. Additionally, any cells unrelated to a row’s asset class will be grayed out.
Improved error messaging on a failed login.
Addressed an issue where retrieving workflow reports would fail without indication on the Workflow Group.
FIXED Audits in the History section of the Asset Details page were incorrectly showing the performer as the currently logged-in user instead of the actual performer. These audits will now show the correct user. Historical audits wee unaffected.
FIXED In certain scenarios, photo fields added to an asset by a trigger were not displaying correctly. These images will now display on the asset correctly.
FIXED Conditional messages were not displaying correctly if their criteria referenced a multiple select, users, assets, or additional report emails field, and in some specific scenarios, number fields. These messages will now display correctly.
FIXED Autogenerated work queues were not always generating correctly and now should generate normally.
V2.85.0 (08/Apr/24)
IMPROVED General improvements were made to improve performance on the Route Dashboard page, in particular for any user with a large number of routes.
FIXED When viewing any polygon assets on the map, any polygon assets that were not fully within the current view would not always show on the edges of the map. Polygon assets partially within the view will now show show long as at least one point from the asset would be in view.
FIXED Workflow and asset class triggers were not updating asset or user field values with the value from an asset or workflow report. These fields will now update normally when a trigger is processed.
FIXED The completed date of work orders were incorrectly being updated when an already-completed work order was resaved. Completed date will now only be set when an open or in progress work order is completed.
V2.84.0 (25/Mar/24)
FIXED In certain scenarios, users were not able to update an account’s image from the Account Details page when selecting the edit icon. Users are now able to consistently edit the account image.
FIXED In certain scenarios, the service URL of an Esri subscription was not saving properly when adding or updating a subscription. Those URLs now save properly as a user enters them.
FIXED When editing a workflow or asset class multiple choice or multiple select field from the Workflow Class Builder or Asset Class Builder pages, the default dropdown was not visible. This dropdown is now consistently visible.
FIXED In certain scenarios, asset tag QR codes were not always redirecting to the correct asset. These QR codes will now redirect properly.
FIXED When adding an asset to a reoccurring route set with hide until next occurrence, the work orders added for those assets were being hidden when they should not have been. Newly-added work orders in these routes will now align with other work orders that already exist in the current reoccurring interval.
V2.83.0 (11/Mar/24)
FIXED In certain scenarios, defaults for multiple choice and multiple select fields were not showing correctly when editing a field from the Workflow Class Builder or Asset Class Builder pages. These defaults will now show correctly.
V2.82.0 (26/Feb/24)
IMPROVED In any workflow or asset class with triggers, users were prevented from deactivating a field in use with a trigger through the Workflow Class Builder and Asset Class Builder pages but not through the import. Users will now be warned and prevented from deactivating these fields through an import, preventing accidentally breaking triggers.
IMPROVED In certain scenarios, shapefile imports were failing due to valid errors without an accompanying explanation of that error in the log file. Log files now give more detailed explanations for any potential failure.
FIXED When configuring an account’s Esri settings, failure messages were not showing when testing connections, giving the impression the connection was successful. Users will now see these errors if their connection was not successful.
V2.81.0 (12/Feb/24)
IMPROVED Previously, if there were an error on any workflow’s trigger on completing work, users would need to view an asset’s history to see that. A workflow’s stakeholders and any users with security right Billing Account Admin will now receive an email notification for any trigger errors.
FIXED From the Work Order Search calendar view, if no assignees were selected on the calendar then only work orders without assignees would display. Now, all work orders regardless of assignee will show when no assignee is selected.
FIXED In certain scenarios, default image data on photo fields was preventing users from saving an asset. Users will now be able to save those changes normally.
V2.80.0 (29/Jan/24)
IMPROVED It was previously possible for a user to end up in a state where they have no accounts assigned by editing users assigned to that account from the Account Details, causing various issues for the user with no account assignments. Now users cannot remove a user from an account if it is their only assigned account.
FIXED Certain advanced searches from the Work Order Search were taking significantly longer than expected to complete. Performance has been improved and these searches will now complete in expected timeframes.
FIXED In certain scenarios, on submitting a workflow report with photos, those photos were failing to upload while still appearing to have successfully uploaded. If a photo failed to upload on submission then users will now see an error and be prevented from saving, allowing reuploading of that photo.
FIXED In certain scenarios, empty photo fields on assets were preventing successfully saving that asset, even if the photo is not required. These assets will now save normally without issue.
FIXED Email workflow triggers were not successfully sending emails to users who did not have a user profile in Utility Cloud. These emails will now send successfully to external users.
V2.79.0 (15/Jan/24)
IMPROVED Minor styling updates to new BI Report Management page.
FIXED In certain scenarios, long-running Esri syncs were timing out for larger subscriptions. These subscriptions should now complete normally.
FIXED When uploading an account image on the Account Details page, some users needed to upload an image twice before changes saved successfully. Changes now save successfully on the first attempt.
FIXED In some scenarios, user’s profile images were not displaying correctly. These profile images now display normally.
FIXED On the Route and Work Order Search calendar views, filtering on assignees would not display the correct work orders on the calendar. Filtering by assignees now shows only work orders belonging to the selected assignees on the calendar.
V2.78.0 (02/Jan/24)
IMPROVED Made minor general security and stability improvements.
FIXED When attempting to delete an asset class, deletion of that asset class would fail if it were in use with an Esri subscription. Those asset classes will now delete successfully.
FIXED When resaving a workflow report completed by a user that is no longer active, that report workflow report would fail to produce a Google report if it was otherwise configured to do so. Those workflow reports now produce a Google report as normal.
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