Map performance changes - 24/Oct/2022

A typical example of what a user would see on the Map page.
Over the past few months, we've made several behind the scenes changes to improve performance on the Map. On Nov 7th, we will release another update that will slightly change the user experience of this page.

The display on loading assets on the Map.
Currently, when a change is made to your filters like selecting an asset class in an account or zooming in or out, the Map immediately cancels its previous attempt to load assets and begins searching again.
In the next update, when selecting map filters or changing your view, once the Map begins searching you will not be able to update filters until the assets load. This will limit the number of overall requests for data incoming to our servers and will help to improve performance for everyone on the platform, especially during peak usage times.

The warning and opt-out for longer-running searches on the Map.
For longer-running searches, we’ll still provide the opportunity to cancel your current search so that you can refine your filters or zoom level to return a smaller selection of assets.