Nearly every action in Utility Cloud is governed by a security right, and security roles are a collection of security rights. Those groups contain every security right a user in any particular role will need to use Utility Cloud according to their role and restrict them from accessing anything they shouldn't. Utility Cloud users typically group their security roles into administrators who configure their billing account, dispatchers who review and assign the work to be done, and field workers who perform the work, but you can create any number of security roles to meet your users' specific needs.
Your security roles
All your billing account's security roles are available on the Security Roles page, accessible from the Security Roles tile on the Landing Page or the navigation bar. From there you'll see your security roles sorted by Restriction Level and filter for specific roles.
Selecting any security role will bring you to the Security Role Rights page for that role where you can view that role and its details, including the individual rights assigned to it.
Security Right Required: View Security Roles
Creating and editing security roles
When you're first onboarded with Utility Cloud you'll have access to several security roles right away, but you can create and maintain any number of security roles you need in your billing account. Every security role contains the below attributes:
Role Name: The name of your security role will show on the Security Roles page and the Roles panel on the User Details page.
Active: Whether or not your role is active or inactive. If your role is inactive it will not be available to add to any of your users.
Description: The description added to your security role is visible when adding or removing roles to a user on the User Details page.
Restriction Level: An attribute describing the relative access the security role allows, set to default to 0. For more information see Restriction Levels below.
Available Rights: All security rights available to add to a security role. Selecting the icon will show you a description of what that right does.
Assigned Rights: All security rights currently assigned to your security role. Selecting the icon will show you a description of what that right does.
Creating a security role
To create a security role:
From the Security Roles page, select Create.
Enter a unique name for your security role in Role Name.
Select any right under Available Rights and select Add to assign it to a role; repeat until all the rights you need are added to your role.
Select Save.
Your security role will then be saved and available on the Security Roles page and added to any of your users.
Security Right Required: View Security Roles; Create Security Roles
Editing a security role
To edit a security role:
From the Security Roles page, select the security role you'd like to edit.
Make any changes you'd like to your security role.
Select any right under Available Rights and select Add to assign it to a role; select any right under Assigned Rights and select Remove to remove it from a role; repeat until all the rights you need are added to your role.
Select Save.
Your security role will then be saved and any changes made will be reflected on the User Details page. If you've made any changes to the assigned rights, those will be reflected in the users that are assigned that role.
Security Right Required: View Security Roles; Edit Security Roles
Copying a security role
To copy a security role:
From the Security Roles page, select the security role you'd like to Copy.
At the lower left of the page, select Copy.
Enter a unique name for your security role in Role Name.
Select any right under Available Rights and select Add to assign it to a role; select any right under Assigned Rights and select Remove to remove it from a role; repeat until all the rights you need are added to your role.
Select Save.
Your security role will then be saved and available on the Security Roles page and added to any of your users.
Security Right Required: View Security Roles; Copy Security Roles
Restriction Levels
You can set restriction levels on security roles if you'd like stronger control over which users can be edited by who in your billing account. Any security role can be set with a restriction level, and the highest and default is 0. Restriction levels serve two purposes:
Restricting which security roles can be assigned to a user when creating or editing.
Restricting which users another user can view or edit.
A user's restriction level is the same as the highest restriction level of their assigned security roles, so if a user has two roles, one with a restriction level of 100 and one with a level of 200, their restriction level is 100.
If you have a restriction level other than 0, you can only assign security roles you're assigned when creating and editing users, and only roles with a restriction level with a lower level of access than their own. If you have a restriction level of 0 then these rules are ignored and you can add any security role when creating or editing a user. The only other exception to this rule is if you're assigned the security right Access Admin Only. Users with this right can assign any security role to a user so long as it is a lesser restriction level than their own, but they cannot edit their own security roles.
Additionally, a user can only view or edit users with an equal or lesser level of access. The below table compares