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Users and roles

What is a user?

Users represent any individual or system that uses Utility Cloud. Your user is what you use to log in to Utility Cloud and do whatever you need to within the system, from completing work to seeing all of your assets and their history.

Every user is associated with a unique email address and requires at least one account and security role assigned to it. What you can do with that user in Utility Cloud is determined by the accounts and security rights you’re assigned and to a lesser extent the role exceptions and stakeholder roles. You can customize yours and others' users in any number of ways to make sure any user in Utility Cloud can do as much or as little as you want them to be able to do, from high-level administrator access to every part of your billing account down to only being able to view and complete work in a single account. For more detailed information on viewing, creating, and managing users, see Users.

Security roles and role exceptions

Nearly every action you as a user can perform is determined by a security right, and those rights can be assigned to a user either as a group through a security role or individually as right exceptions. Utility Cloud users typically group their security roles into administrators who configure their billing account, dispatchers who review and assign the work to be done, and field workers who perform the work. You can configure your security roles into however many variations you need, though, and if an individual user’s needs don’t fit neatly into any of your existing security roles, you can add rights as role exceptions to meet their needs. You can find more information on creating and managing security roles in Security Roles and more information on assigning security roles and role exceptions in Users.

Stakeholder roles

If there’s a specific account, asset, or any other number of things in Utility Cloud that needs special attention, then you can assign yourself as a stakeholder Through stakeholder roles, you can then indicate your relationship to it. For more information, see Stakeholder Roles.

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