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BI Reports

Utility Cloud offers custom advanced reporting through Power BI reports created by our Professional Services team. These reports can be directly embedded in Utility Cloud through our new BI Reports page.

If you'd like to start using BI Reports but aren't currently, please reach out to your account manager.

Viewing your BI reports

You can view any Power BI report available to you in your billing account on the BI Reports page. BI reports can be made available to your users based on either their security role, their billing account, or both.

An selecting Reports, all BI reports that are available to your user will display. Additionally, any draft reports configured for your billing account will show if you have security right View Draft BI Reports.

Security Rights Required: View BI Reports, View Draft BI Reports

Configuring your BI reports

Before beginning to configure your BI reports yourself, our Professional Services team will have to ensure your Power BI workspace is linked with Utility Cloud. Once that's done, any Power BI reports can then be configured to show as embedded in the BI Reports Manager page. To view the Manage BI Reports page, select the gear config icon in the upper-right of the BI Reports page.

From the BI Reports Manager page, you can make create new BI report settings or view and edit existing ones. Every BI report setting has the below fields:

  1. Report Name - the name that your report will show as to your users in the BI Reports page.
  2. Report - the Power BI report from your workspace.
  3. Description - a quick description that will show on your report on the BI Reports page.
  4. Status - the status of your report. Active reports will be visible on the BI Reports page while Inactive will be hidden. Draft reports will only be visible to users with security role View Draft BI Reports.
  5. Security Roles - which roles will be able to view your report. By default Security Roles is set to All Security Roles. If a report is restricted to a specific role or roles, then only users with those roles assigned will be able to see that report.
  6. Business Lines - which business lines will be able to view your report. By default Business Lines is set to All Business Lines. If a report is restricted to a specific business line, then only users assigned to an account of that business line will be able to see that report.

Your reports can be made available to all users, or users based on their security role or business line if you'd like to restrict access. Additionally, any report can be configured as a draft when creating or editing a BI report setting so that only users with the security right View Draft BI Reports can view it before being made available to your other users.

To create a BI report setting and make it available to your users:

  1. In the upper-right of the BI Reports Manager page, select Create.
  2. Select a Report Name and the Report from Power BI.
  3. Select any additional optional fields.
  4. Select Save.

Similarly, any report can be edited by selecting the edit pencil icon on selecting a row in the BI Reports Manager page, and any report setting can be deleted by selecting the trash delete icon.

Security Right Required: View BI Reports; Manage BI Reports

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