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Machine Connect Overview (Connect SCADA, sensors and other business systems)

It is assumed that trained and certified Utility Cloud Power Users are reading this document.

What is Machine Connect?

The “Machine Connect” (MC) application is designed as a middleware to collect data from local enterprise systems (sensors, SCADA, DCS, and other hardware/software) and reliably transport the data to the cloud for use within Utility Cloud.

Machine Connect Online is a similar version of Machine connect except it's hosted in the cloud and currently hosts the OPC interface. The main integration for this is related to how machine connect can work with internet-based SCADA (for example integration with Mission SCADA), sensors, and IoT devices. 

Who should be using it?

MC is used to send data to Utility Cloud from a local system automatically on a regular basis when the local system is not able or configured to push data directly to the Utility Cloud API.

If your system is able to POST to a RESTful API, then click here to learn more about how to use our API instead of using MC.

Available Interfaces


  1. perform the asset class and workflow class configuration required for the interface you plan to use (see the "Configuration" link next to the interface above);
  2. using the workflow schedule tool tile, create a schedule entry defining the asset class and workflow created and frequency MC should submit data from the tags defined to Utility Cloud; (note: must not be more frequent than every 15 minutes);
  3. create an asset that represents the system being interfaced with from the asset class created in step 1;
  4. create a new user specifically for the machine connect application you will install (for example "North Plant SCADA System Login");
  5. click here to install the Machine Connect application;

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