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Flat File Interface

This document explains how to configure the subject interface for Machine Connect.


1. create a new "point" type Asset Class representing the “System” MC will interface with (you may name it anything. for example "LIMS");

2. associate the Asset Class with a business line

3. for the new class define the following attributes:

TypeRequiredKeyNameDescriptionDefault Value
TEXTYesMC_INTTYPEInterface TypeDefines the interface type.


TEXTYesFILES_PATHFiles PathDirectory where the CSV file(s) will be located.C:\Data
TEXTYesBIG_DATABig DataTrue/False value determines if data is sent to the "Utility Cloud Machine Learning Platform"FALSE

4. create a new Workflow Class for that will tell MC what data to collect from the interface. You will create one for like frequency of data collection (for example "Hourly SCADA data" or "15 Minute Data");

5. check the “Machine Connected” checkbox;

6. associate the workflow with the same “Business Line” as the asset class created above;

7. associate the workflow with the asset class;

8. define one field for each tag you'd like MC to query:

TypeRequiredKeyNameDescriptionDefault Value
TEXTYes{csv column heading}{csv column heading}Friendly name for the tag

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