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Utility Cloud Glossary

This page is a glossary of basic terms used frequently throughout Utility Cloud. For more in-depth descriptions, please see the help documentation here.


A collection of assets assigned to a user. You can only access assets, users, and work belonging to the accounts they are assigned.


The action or actions performed by a trigger on a workflow or asset class when that trigger’s condition is met on saving an asset or workflow report.


A status on various objects within Utility Cloud representing that object as available for use by any user.

Admin Timestamp

The default date and time field on every workflow report, set to the date and time a user completes a workflow report. If you don’t have the security right “Can Edit Workflow Date and Time” then you can’t see or edit this field but it will still be set.

Alternate Name

A user-defined alternate for a list item in a multiple choice field in an asset class or workflow. If a list item is set to allow an alternate name, then when you select that value you’re prompted to enter a text value in addition to the multiple choice selection.


User-defined charts based on completed workflow reports. Once created, you can add these charts to the Landing Page to see data over time on the first login.


A system-generated alphanumeric ID associated with a specific user used in verification in API requests.

Asynchronous Submission

A setting on a workflow that allows submission of that workflow to bypass any workflow triggers or any other settings you’d normally have to wait to complete when completing work. For some workflows with more than a small number of triggers, this can significantly improve performance.


A specific object is defined by its asset class, typically a physical object with a real-world location that a user would perform work against. All assets belong to an account and you can only access assets belonging to your assigned accounts.

Asset Attribute

A field on an asset defined by its asset class. See: Field.

Asset Class

A series of attributes and other configuration options used to define what kind of object an individual asset is.

Asset ID

An ID unique to each asset in a billing account set on the creation of an asset. Depending on settings, an asset ID can be set automatically for all assets, set automatically for assets of a specific asset class, or be entirely user-entered.

Asset Key

An internal ID unique to each asset across all of Utility Cloud set on the creation of an asset. You cannot edit an asset key.

Asset Tag

A tag with a unique QR code that can be associated with an asset. Asset tags can be purchased for use with Utility Cloud to quickly identify real-world assets with Utility Cloud assets by scanning the QR code once that tag has been associated with the asset.


A file uploaded to either an asset, account, or timeline entry.


An action performed by an individual user and the time the action was performed. Nearly everything you do in Utility Cloud has an audit against it. Actions performed against work orders and routes do not show in the audit trail. They instead show on the Work Order Details timeline or Route Details timeline of their respective Work Order and/or Route. See: Timeline.

Billing Account

An individual customer of Utility Cloud and all their associated accounts, assets, users, and other configuration.

Billing Account Admin

Any user with the security right “Billing Account Admin”. If you have this security right you can access all accounts, assets, users, and work regardless of if they are assigned to you.


A setting on a workflow field that allows that field to connect to a Bluetooth low energy device. We currently only support this connection with Hose Monster devices using a number field.

Business Line

A grouping of accounts, asset classes, and workflows. Accounts, asset classes, and workflows all require at least one business line.


A status on a work order indicating the work was not completed and is no longer available to be completed. Work orders must manually be canceled by a user and can be reopened once canceled.

Card View

The default view in most searches where each search result shows as a card with information about that result.

Child Account

An account configured to be the child of another account. When editing an account, you can associate any other account with that account as its parent. Once configured, all child accounts of a parent account will show in a hierarchical view on the Account Details of the parent account. See: Parent Account.

Child Asset

An account configured to be the child of another account. When editing an asset, you can associate any other asset with that asset as its parent. Once configured, all child assets of a parent asset will show in a hierarchical view on the Asset Details of the parent asset and can be placed on a schematic associated with the parent asset. See: Parent Asset; Schematic.


A status on a work order indicating the work was completed and, if needed, approved. Work orders are either closed by a user manually once completed or can be set to move automatically to closed once completed.

Community Classes

Asset classes or workflows shared from one billing account with all other billing accounts in Utility Cloud. You can copy these asset classes and workflows to your billing account.

Compared Value

An operator in the condition of a trigger used to compare the value of a field in the asset class or workflow with a static value set in the condition when evaluating if the trigger’s action should be performed.


A status on a work order indicating the work was completed.

Conditional Message

A message on an asset class or workflow field that shows when specific conditions are met.

Conditional Visibility

A setting on an asset class or workflow field that determines when the field shows based on when specific conditions are met.


The set of requirements to be met in an asset class or workflow trigger for that trigger’s action to occur.


  1. The homepage you navigate to on logging in to Utility Cloud where you see all your navigation and widget tiles. See: Landing Page.

  2. Your user-configured dashboards on the Custom Views tile.

Default Workflow

A workflow defined on an asset class to be the default option when creating a work order or route with an asset of that asset class.

Due Date

The scheduled date and time when a work order is marked as due. See: Start Date.

Dynamic Route

A route set to dynamically update its assets and work orders based on the result of a Saved Search. See: Route; Saved Search.


An attribute of a business line. If a business line is exclusive, then when you create an account only that billing account can be selected. Otherwise, multiple business lines are allowed.


A status on a work order indicating that the work order was not completed on its schedule and is no longer available to be completed. Work orders can be set to expire on a reoccurring schedule. Expired work orders cannot be reopened.


A type of field that pulls in values from other fields and can make calculations based on those values.


An input on either an asset class or workflow that can be configured to accept different values based on the validation as defined on the field.

Global Work

An alternate name for scheduled work. See: Scheduled Work.

Google Report

A report based on completed work in Utility Cloud. Relevant data from that completed work is sent to a linked Google account and produces a report to be sent back to Utility Cloud and other stakeholders.


A status on various objects within Utility Cloud representing that object as unavailable for use by the user. In the case of users, an inactive user cannot log in or otherwise use Utility Cloud.

Indicator Text

Text conditionally set by an asset class or workflow trigger against an asset. Once set, this text will show on the asset when viewed from the map.

Install Date

A standard field on an asset class that represents when an asset was installed. You can turn this field on or off in the asset class configuration.


The time between a reoccurring work order’s start date and its next occurrence’s start date. A reoccurring work order cannot be rescheduled outside its interval.


A process used to complete long-running or time-based actions behind the scenes, such as imports, exports, or scheduling of reoccurring routes.


An ID used on various objects in Utility Cloud. On an asset, key refers to a system-generated unique ID. For asset classes and workflows, the key refers to a user-defined ID for each field, typically for use in expressions.

Landing Page

The homepage you navigate to on logging in to Utility Cloud where you can see all their navigation and widget tiles. See: Dashboard.


An asset class type that represents assets that are a line between points.


A workflow type representing work to be done against line assets using Walk the Line. See: Walk the Line.

List Definition

A user-defined list to be used in multiple choice or multiple select fields in asset classes or workflows.

List View

A view in most searches where each search result shows as a row in a list with information about that result showing.

Locked Out

A status showing a user no longer has access to log in to Utility Cloud. You’ll be locked out if you haven't verified and logged in to Utility Cloud within 30 days of your user being created, if you haven’t logged in to Utility Cloud in more than 630 days, or if you’ve entered an incorrect password when attempting to log in more than five consecutive times. Once you’re locked out, an administrator must unlock your user.


A workflow type representing work to be done against any asset, either done in a single point of space or with no location specified.


An alternate name for a timeline entry on an asset.


An individual work order in a series of reoccurring work orders.


A setting when configuring the action of a trigger on an asset class or workflow. If an action is defined as a one-shot then the trigger will fire on the first save that a condition is met instead of every save where that condition is met.

Parent Account

An account configured to be the parent of another account. When editing an account, you can associate any other account with that account as its parent. Once configured, all child accounts of a parent account will show in a hierarchical view on the Account Details of the parent account. See: Child Account.

Parent Asset

An asset configured to be a parent of another asset. When editing an asset, you can associate any other asset with that asset as its parent. Once configured, all child assets of a parent asset will show in a hierarchical view on the Asset Details of the parent asset and can be placed on a schematic associated with the parent asset. See: Child Asset; Schematic.


An asset class type that represents assets that are a single point in space.


An asset class type that represents assets that are an area set between points.

Print Queue

A collection of all Google reports specified through work schedules. When completed the Google reports are sent to a print queue where you can print them from a collected PDF.


A default required attribute on work orders.


The range you must be within from an asset’s location to complete work if a workflow is set to include proximity verification. If you’re not within the distance specified by the proximity, you’ll be blocked from completing work.


A scheduling setting on a work order. When a work order is set to reoccur, a new work order will be created with a start date and time based on the settings of the initial work order.

Requested Work

An alternate name for work orders.


Any field that is required must be filled out before being able to save.

Reported Value

An operator in the condition of a trigger is used to compare the value of a field in the asset class or workflow with another field value when evaluating if the trigger’s action should be performed.

Report Setting

The settings on any workflow linked to Google. Workflow settings are grouped by account and asset class and determine how the Google report is produced and where it's sent when completed.

Restriction Level

A number assigned to a security role that indicates its level of access, with 0 being the highest level of access. You’re only able to edit other users with a restriction level less than your own. By default, all security roles have a restriction level of 0, in which case the restriction level does not apply.

Right Exception

A security right assigned to a user individually instead of through a security role. Individual security rights can also be revoked through a right exception.


A collection of work orders with common scheduling and other details. Work orders in routes can be ordered by sequence in the route.

Saved Search

An advanced search in the Account, Asset, User, or Work Order searches saved by a user. These searches can be easily retrieved at a later date or used in other parts of Utility cloud.


A work order set with a start date that will not reoccur once completed.

Scheduled Work

Work assigned against an entire asset class in an account to be completed within a specific interval.


An image attached to an asset to represent a visual of that asset. If an asset with a schematic has child assets, you can place those child assets on the schematic to represent their location within the parent asset.

Security Right

A right assigned to a user through a security role or a right exception that determines what a user is permitted to do in Utility Cloud.

Security Role

A user-defined collection of security rights assigned to a user determines what a user is permitted to do in Utility Cloud. All users must be assigned at least one security role.


  1. A collection of work intended to be completed in a specific order, specifically for use with hydrant flushing.

  2. An asset class type representing assets that are a single point in space, to be used as part of a sequence.

  3. A workflow type representing work to be done against a sequence asset as part of a sequence.


A file format for geographic information system (GIS) software such as Esri’s ArcGIS.

Shared Search

Any saved search shared with specific users or all users in a billing account. See: Saved Search.


Any user assigned to an account, asset, asset class, workflow, or work schedule so that they may receive notifications related to that object.

Stakeholder Role

A user-defined set of stakeholders.

Start Date

The scheduled date and time when a work order is marked as due. See: Due Date.


The state of a work order representing its level of completion.


The process of downloading all work assigned to a user through work queues on the My Work page. You must sync to retrieve your current work or to complete work offline. If you complete work offline, you must sync to submit that work once you’re online again.


A user-defined identifier attached to a work order.


  1. An icon on the Landing Page that brings you to one of the main pages of Utility Cloud. What tiles you see are determined by your security rights. Blue tiles represent pages used by everyday users, white represents pages used more commonly used by administrators, and red tiles represent pages used by the highest-level admins.

  2. A widget on a dashboard for quick access to information useful to a user. See: Widget.


A section on accounts, assets, routes, work orders, and other objects within Utility Cloud where you can add text entries. In the case of routes and work orders, audit entries are saved to the timeline instead of to the audit trail. See: Notes.


An action set on an asset class or workflow set to occur when a certain condition is met on saving an asset or workflow report.


A default required attribute on work orders.

Unit Monitoring

Utility Cloud’s big data platformed, used to process large amounts of uploaded data through formulas configured in a workflow to show trends over time.


Any individual granted access to Utility Cloud.

User Key

A system-generated alphanumeric ID associated with a user, typically used for verification in API requests.


A status on a user showing they have verified their email address, logged in for the first time, accepted the terms and conditions, and set their password.

Walk the Line

A method of completing work against linear assets from the map, where a user with a mobile device follows along the length of the asset and tracks their progress in Utility Cloud.

Welcome Email

The email sent to new users upon creation in Utility Cloud. New users must follow the link from the welcome email, accept the terms and conditions, and set a password before being able to use Utility Cloud.


A widget on the Landing Page where users may leave simple messages for other users in their accounts.

Workflow/Workflow Class

A user-defined form representing the work performed against an asset. A workflow is scheduled against an asset either as scheduled work or a work order, and when completed produces a workflow report.

Workflow Complete Report

A report of complete workflow reports within a period of time, with additional filtering available.

Workflow Compliance Report

A report showing complete workflow reports and the values entered in an account for a specific workflow and asset class combination within a period of time.

Workflow Report

Any work completed from either scheduled work or a work order and the values entered when it was completed.

Workflow Summary Report

A report showing a summary of workflow reports completed in an account sorted by workflow within a period of time. You can view details of the individual workflow reports completed and values entered for each workflow from this view.

Work Order

A work item scheduled against an individual asset. Work orders can be unscheduled, scheduled for a specific time, or reoccurring.

Work Schedule

Work assigned against an entire asset class in an account to be completed within a specific interval.

Work Queue

A collection of all scheduled work and work orders meeting criteria defined in the work queue and assigned to users.

Work Request

An alternate name for a work order. See: Work Order.

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