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Managing analytics

Create Analytics

  1. Navigate to the Analytics tile on the Dashboard or from the left navigation menu.
  2. Select the Create link (located directly to the right of the search bar) to access the Analytics page.
  3. Use the Report Title and Description fields to assign a name to the new analytic.
  4. Use the various fields within the Appearance dropdown to format the new chart.
  5. The Chart Type can be modified using the designated dropdown.
  6. The graph dimensions can be adjusted in the Width and Height fields.
  7. Axis labels and the number of Gridlines can also be specified in the appropriate fields.
  8. The Filter dropdown is used to select the desired Account, Asset Class or specific Assets.
  9. Within the Data dropdown , specify the time frame, the desired workflow (i.e. In Service Oil Sample or Sample Results), and the specific workflow field in the corresponding labeled fields.
  10. Use the Grouping dropdown to specify the data grouping and aggregation.
  11. Once all desired information has been specified, verify that the Active box at the top of the page is checked,
  12. Select the Save at the bottom of the page.

Edit Analytics 

  1. Navigate to the Analytics tile on the Landing Page.
  2. Use the Search bar to locate the existing analytic.
  3. Select the analytic from the search results in order to access the Analytics page.
  4. Update any information as desired.
  5. Select Save at the bottom of the page.

Display Analytics on the Dashboard 

  1. Navigate to the top right corner of the Landing Page and select Edit Default Dashboard.
  2. In the window that appears, select Analytics.
  3. The default Analytics widget will appear on the dash.
  4. Select Configure in order to select the desired Analytics report from the dropdown.
  5. Select Save to finalize the widget configuration.
  6. Verify that the correct chart appears on your Dashboard.

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